Will I feel welcome?
When you come to Christ Lutheran for the first time, you can expect that we will be happy you are here! People will greet you, welcome you, and answer any questions you may have about us. To make it easier for you to follow along, we also provide printed copies of the full service which you may pick up on your way into the sanctuary.
What are your services like?
Christ Lutheran is a liturgical church. While some call our worship "formal," it really isn't. Tied unbreakably to the words and promises of God, just about every word we say or sing is either a quote or paraphrase from the Bible. It is ancient (parts of it are over 3,000 years old) but still speaks to our needs today. That's because we didn't invent it! We believe real worship is timeless and profound, not based on fads, trends, or demographic studies. We come together for that which is eternal.
Is there a dress code?
Even though the worship format may be considered "formal," YOU don't have to be! You will find people who come in suits or dresses. You'll find people who come in "tourist casual." God looks on the heart, not the outward apparel.
What do you offer?
We are known far and wide for the beauty of our worship, the depth of our theology, and the works of love that serve our God and our neighbor. We have much to offer you here, and encourage you to join us for worship, browse our website and/or come by our church office to find out more about our community of faith & rich heritage of tradition.
What about kids?
Your kids are welcome in the service! We think that kids should learn to worship too. We also have a cry room for new babies, nursery, and children's Sunday school at 9:15 AM.
How do I join?
If you have any questions regarding church membership or need additional guidance, please contact our church office at 231-582-9301, christlutheranboyne@gmail.com or you can email our pastor at pastor.clcboyne@gmail.com